Sunday Sketchbook

Welcome to my Sunday morning sketchbook. It’s been a week where despite a few snowdrops showing their heads, winter has felt long and deep. Sometimes I like to revel in the best of what season has to offer but this week I thought I’d counteract the gloom with some entries on light.


Studio Olafur Eliasson

I love how this artist plays with light in different ways to create his immersive installations. Shadows, mirrors and distorting glass play with our perception while creating a beautiful show. The reason I’ve chosen to include him here is he is fantastic at carrying this journey on into the online space. Head to his website and click on the floating ice shard that appears from nowhere as you scroll to enter an archive that feels like exploring in real life.


Bloom - A Short Video

I first saw this via Brain Pickings which I really recommend if you haven’t already seen it. It’s a very gentle story, beautifully illustrated, about light entering a life through an act of kindness. Perfect for a reset after reading the news at the moment. Watch on vimeo here.


Forde Abbey

What ever the season, the photographer behind the Forde Abbey instagram account always finds the perfect light. Follow for beautiful shots of spring emerging through misty lakes and frosty meadows. It’s not too far from me so I can’t wait to visit when lockdown ends.


From The Studio

I’m trying out a new technique to make some textured moulds for the Jesmonite sections of my collection, creating a natural looking break in a geometric shape but creating the shape from square rod so the break is actually make up of tiny squares. It’s super time consuming but I’m hopeful the final effect will be really interesting! I’m recording a little video diary of the process so watch out for that soon!


Sunday Sketchbook


Sunday Sketchbook